Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Renewable and Nonrewable Energy Resources Essay - 1505 Words
Renewable and Nonrewable Energy Resources Energy is used as part of everyday lives and can be used in one form or another. Energy is about doing work and it is all around us. Animals need energy to live and machines need energy to work. Energy exists in many forms, such as: - Light - Heat - Electrical - Mechanical - Atomic - Chemical-etc. There are different types of energy resources. They go into two groups, which are Non-renewable and Renewable. NON-RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES ============================== Once non-renewable resources (natural resources) are consumed they cannot be replaced. The main energy sources used by humans are non-renewable†¦show more content†¦It comes from tiny plants and animals remains that used to live in oceans over a million of years ago. As their remains built up on the ocean floor, layers of sediment were formed and gas was produced by heat and pressure. Gas is cleaned and processed after it has been taken from the ground to get rid of impurities. After this it is pumped into storage tanks and carried around the country. Natural gas really has no smell but the distinctive smell has been added as a warning of leaks. The advantages of gas are: - Shrinks when cooled - Turned into liquid, when put under pressure. - Easily portable in liquid form. The production platform of gas to homes: 1) Gas is pumped to processing plants on shore. 2) Sent to compressor station. 3) Into storage tanks. 4) Gas companies supply it. 5) Into peoples homes. 6) Gas metres record how much gas is used. Oil Oil is a very important fuel and is used for many mostly to make them run smoothly. Oil is used as one third of the energy we use today. There are many types and in many forms; one form is crude oil, which comes straight out of the ground. It can be used in many different ways, like: v In power stations- oil is burnt for the heat energy it can provide. v In engines- that convert heat energy
Monday, December 16, 2019
New Zealand Women s Rights - 820 Words
INTRODUCTION New Zealand women in the 19th century became part of an international movement to achieve equal rights. Women campaigners, and the men who helped them to achieve their goal, were raising the point of inequalities in marriage, education, paid employment and politics. Most of those who didn’t support in favour for women’s rights, strongly valued the differences between men and woman. A woman’s place was seen a mainly domestic one. As they were seen as the mother and homemaker, the source of love and moral guidance. Whereas men were seen to be more in charge of the public world of business and politics. It was considered the task of men to start building the new colony. At the same time, a large percentage of women strongly believed that if they had access to education and training men received. They could achieve as much as men did. Both beliefs became apparent, especially when women campaigned for change. Their argument was that their positive moral influence on g eneral public life was needed to ensure the protection of women, children and home life, and they also asserted their right to have access to the privileges of citizenship that men enjoyed. BACKGROUND Starting in the 1870s, Large numbers of women started to join organisations. They were motivated by the desire for a secure home, and to acknowledge their concern about the damage done by men, caused by alcohol abuse. Many members of these organisations either belonged to Baptist, Methodist orShow MoreRelatedWomen s Rights Of The New Zealand822 Words  | 4 PagesNew Zealand Women have had the completely equal rights with men before the rest of the world since 1840. In 1840 was the first organized British immigration started to move to New Zealand. Theoretically, these rights would be a vague rules as long as it not applied so Women’s right in New Zealand was changing until a female Prime Minister was chosen in 1997 which is a milestone of the women’s rights attaining equality. Some females active in politics mainly affected the New Zealand society to formulateRead MoreNew Zealand s Early Embrace Of Women s Voting Rights Essay2263 Words  | 10 Pages1. â€Å"New Zealand’s early embrace of women’s voting rights has become a key part of its identity as a world-leading, progressive democracy.†(Atkinson, 2015). When New Zealand first became colony it was widely accepted that women were best suited for domestic tasks and men were fit for public life and politics. Women were kept separate from the world of politics, similar to many European societies at the time (Ministry for Culture and Heritage, 2014). Some women began to challenge these narrow-mindedRead MoreThe Feminist Philosphoy and May Wollstonecraft743 Words  | 3 PagesVindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) stated her view that women should have a wider access to education, not taught to depend on their beauty. â€Å"A committed women’s liberationist cannot retire from the job, only die at it.†(Dann, 1985) Mary Wollstonecraft encompassed this perfectly. â€Å"I do not wish them [women] to have power over men; but over themselves†(Wollstonecraft, 1995). Women were expected to be passive, Wollstonecraft believed women should have the right to be independent. In New Zealand’sRead MoreIs Fasting A Ramadan? Essay1488 Words  | 6 Pagesall healthy adults are required to fast (not eat) from sunrise to sunset. Verse 2.185 of the Quran says â€Å"The month of Ramadan is that in which was revealed the Quran; a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the criterion (of right and wrong). And whosoever of you is present, let him fast the month, and whosoever of you is sick or on a journey, a number of other days. Allah desires for you ease; He desires not hardship for you; and that you should complete the period, and thatRead MoreThe Treaty Of Waitangi : New Zealand1112 Words  | 5 PagesIn the early 1800’s prior to British involvement the Maori people’s early contact began with Whalers, sealers, and ship builders. In 1809, s ship arrived in Whangaroa harbour to collect supplies. On the ship was chief Te Ara, he complained of mistreatment so in an act of revenge they lured the captain ashore where they murdered and ate him and his crew along with burning there ship. This clearly marked one of the worst of the early encounters with the Maori. However, relationships with the britishRead MoreModern Zealand And New Zealand1699 Words  | 7 Pagesbehavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people. Throughout New Zealand sporting history there has been a large collection of role models setting examples both positively and negatively. Sport has always played a vital role in defining New Zealand as a nation, the climate and geography of New Zealand has made the country a natural arena for sport. New Zealand has had memorable sport role model figures dating back to Sir Edmund Hillary in 29th of May 1953 thatRead MoreDifferences Bet ween Gender And Social Division Essay1575 Words  | 7 Pagesdivision in Aoteroa New Zealand organised around gender relations†. Gender relation refers to differences that appear in all aspects of men and women lives and how these differences impact on accessing resources and seizing opportunities for personal development. Social division can be defined as a group of individuals who share common economic resources which strongly influence their lifestyle. Relation and interdependence between gender and social division is a main topic in New Zealand as proven by anRead MoreThe Purpose Of This Assignment Is To Show My Understanding1592 Words  | 7 Pagesunderstanding of the history of Aotearoa New Zealand, its broader practice, Oceania origins and later settlement experiences. Indignity means the ancestor, the culture, the language, and the land where sending original people onto the land. There are approximately 370 million indigenous people in this world according to Cu ltural Survival (2017). Every group is entitled to their own way of life, their traditional lands and resources but still throughout their history their rights have been violated and takenRead MoreInequality Between Societies Within New Zealand1409 Words  | 6 PagesInequality between societies within New Zealand. The facts of how the societies in New Zealand, has been affected or can be affect the factors including; biological, educational, family, social and political. Difference of inequality occurs in societies, how it has been treated the societies unequal in many ways. The characteristics affected or can affect the societies to inequality from five factors within poor health, obesity, lifestyles, communities, belief, government promises not honoured. IncomeRead MoreWomen s Christian Temperance Movement Essay1385 Words  | 6 PagesThe recently formed Women s Christian Temperance Movement (WCTU) took up the campaign for the vote in 1885. The movement was strongly linked to church and had the motto ‘For God, Home and Humanity.’ The WCTU had previously been involved in a temperance movement and this was one of the main reasons they decided to campaign for the vote. According to Wood â€Å"social climate had the greatest effect on mobilising women into a combined effort to rid themselves of laws that discriminated against them. Drunkenness
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Theory Of Knowledge 2 Essay Research Paper free essay sample
Theory Of Knowledge 2 Essay, Research Paper History is portion myth, portion hope and portion world. Discourse this quotation mark in relation to History and to at least one other field of survey. The survey of history has been and will go on to play a major portion in the lives of every person and every community. Our history is our individuality stating us where we come from, what we are and what our sires did and therefore dramas a major in function in our changeless hunt for cognition and apprehension of each other. The most common definition for history is a ) the survey of past events, clairvoyance. human personal businesss B ) the entire accretion of past events particularly in relation to human personal businesss or to the accretion of developments connected with a peculiar state, individual, thing etc. degree Celsius ) a uninterrupted normally chronological record of of import or public events. We will write a custom essay sample on Theory Of Knowledge 2 Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the 2nd portion of the definition the key words are past events particularly in relation to human personal businesss. History is written by and recorded by worlds and there is ever an component of prejudice in it. Because of this we can state that History itself is a really complicated and interesting labyrinth of events which give us hope for the hereafter, penetration into the world that is mankind and the fiction of how the events of our clip have been portrayed. World is frequently a word that we on a regular basis settle on in connexion with History. It is our first thought ; it is all the events in the yesteryear. For illustration we know that the Second World War ended in 1945 as in the same manner we know that there were British settlements in Asia and Africa. We accept it as a fact but at the same clip do we accept it at the same degree. Is what I have learnt from different primary and secondary beginnings the same as what individual Ten may hold learnt? Do we see colonialism in the same position and whose version is more right? For this ground we can state that History is portion world for it like everything else in the universe has no one manner of looking at things. We are all entitled to our ain sentiments. Everyone has their ain alleged Map Of Reality which is influenced by position, perceptual experience, gender and everything that makes you what you are. When you pursue anything you carry a map of world and when you tie this into the field of survey which can be known as Pursuit of Knowledge we can see that History like cognition is fragmented. All cognition has parts, which in bend can neer give us any feel of certainty. One portion of History can be stronger. Myth may draw stronger or trust turning you into the optimist for the twenty-four hours. Today you trust scientific discipline and the following it will be faith. History like Knowledge is like a Baobab tree, you can t set both weaponries around it. We have already stated that history is fragmented and it seems that the best manner to understand it is to seek and touch as many parts of it ( Myth, Hope, and Reality ) as possible and therefore integrate more into your map of world. However from this a little statement evolves. Who is to state that all these different parts really form together to do a whole? Can reality truly exist with myth? It seems that it has done so and will go on to make so when you take into history the doctrines of psychologist Dr. Dipak Chopra the history that we study in our schoolrooms and in our twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours lives is all myth. The text edition we use and read to analyze the yesteryear is all bias information. This is because it has been preponderantly written by white males who have the desire to fight for the sides that their sires fought for and by making so provide nutriment for their ain self-importances and their ain race. Dr. Chopra is s aying that a batch of what has been taught is all myth. But we have accepted this as world so we are seeing myth and world working together in our ain planetary community. History is like life and in that sense nil can be straightforward and simple. We as worlds normally decide to make what is easier. We accept what our perceptual experience of logic is. We either utilize inductive logic or deductive logic to calculate out what is logically possible in life. Inductive logic is really much like how we deal with history. In inductive logic we have the spring from the particular to the general. We take certain specific illustrations and from that we learn to generalise. This is non incorrect for without some kind of generalisation we would be perpetually seeking to rectify ourselves. An illustration of Inductive Logic: Tom was suspended from school for contending hence I believe that all pupils will be suspended for contending. We assume that all pupils will be suspended because Tom was suspended. In the same we decide to accept what is presented to us as history because logically it is ok. We accept all facts to be true in a history book for illustration because some of them are. It is a logically sound determination. From all this we can besides add that History is a tool for us along with a topic. We can utilize to larn from errors and alteration. It is a contemplation of life itself, which is a chase of cognition. We know that history is subjective and disconnected where there is no ultimate truth and that is one of its greatest traits but in the same manner it raises some inquiries. If there is no truth that brings all the terminals together so how can it truly be world? Or does that say that world itself has truth but it excessively is difficult to happen. It seems a spot disconcerting to believe that there is no truth in History. For it is a steadfast belief of many people that History is at that place to learn us non to reiterate the yesteryear. A category illustration is the bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the Americans in World War 2. Is this a lesson that bad cats neer win or that the atomic bomb should non hold been used? Even now, with the lingering bequest of Hiroshima and Na gasaki, there still is a contention. We have more cognition about the bomb now, but does that mean we are closer to the truth we ardently prosecute? I believe your cognition is a myth and you believe mine # 8217 ; s is and we both think individual X is merely a bumbling sap for trusting it will neer go on once more. We all look at the same event, and see something else. Why? And it told us nil in footings of the truth so is history and it # 8217 ; s parts merely a travesty? If history # 8217 ; s restrictions are like those of cognition, so that # 8217 ; s a travesty excessively. Could we so boldly say that Life is a Farce excessively? Once once more the same inquiry arises. Do all the parts make up a whole? We live with the changeless hope that atrociousnesss of our yesteryear are non repeated. But can trust tantrum in with the myth and the world of history. Hope is non merely hope things get better or I hope that doesn # 8217 ; t go on once more. hope is why we study history # 8212 ; we hope to encompass more of the Baobab tree but with an interesting turn we hope we are right excessively. History plays an of import portion in our chase of cognition where we want to get it and happen the ultimate truth. History is made up of many parts, be it what we perceive as world and what we logically settle on and fling as truth and false belief. It is the footing for communicating, instruction and alteration. And with it ( be it myth or world or both together in harmoniousness ) world looks to the hereafter for prosperity, alteration and the of all time increasing thirst for cognition. 332
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Visual Analysis Edward Hopper NightHawks free essay sample
Visual Analysis: Edward Hopper: Nighthawks In this essay I will be looking into the visual analysis of the Painting Nighthawks by Edward Hopper. First I will be discussing his life. Edward Hopper was born on the 22nd July 1882 in Nyack, New York. He came from a middle class family, and had an older sister named Marian. Like most famous painters he enjoyed drawing from a young age, and at the age of ten signatures were found on his work. He showed an interest in the artists Gustav Dore and Phil May, whose Illustrations hed copy eagerly. From his early teens he was already working ith a range of mediums such as charcoal, ink and oil paints. He sold his first signed oil painting when he was 13 entitled Rowboat in Rocky cove. He attended a private school and Nyack High school where he graduated at 17 years of age. His parents had always supported and encouraged his art so when he told them he wanted to study painting at university there were no objections, only that Illustration or Commercial art would offer more financial security. We will write a custom essay sample on Visual Analysis Edward Hopper NightHawks or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So he enrolled in the Correspondence school of Illustrating But decided to transfer a year later to Chase chool and switched to painting. Hopper died at the age of 84 leaving behind him a body of about 3000 paintings. The majority of his paintings are viewpoints which seem to always include women. When taking a closer look , there is a vulnerability in many of the women but you are never really able to place your finger on whether they are in a state of loneliness solitude or desolation. This is a reoccurring theme throughout Hoppers work. Ideas of gender roles run through my head in that in his paintings women are always seen as the nferior counterpart to men. For example his paintings Hotel by the rail road, Office at night and The barber shop. Nighthawks an oil painting he is very well-known for and probably his most famous. It was created is 1942 and was said to be inspired by A restaurant on Greenwich Avenue where two streets met. When looking at it from a technical point of view, you can tell the composition has been carefully constructed. It has been painted from the view of a passer-by, which has been done purposefully so that the viewer is able to et an anterior view of the situation in the restaurant whilst being able view the contrasting exterior of the street. This is quite common of Hopper who shows a similar arrangement in the painting New York office. American sociologist Sennett says that One reason for the demise of the public realm is that large windows make rooms visually transparent while still erecting a barrier to the outside He calls this The paradox of isolation in the midst of visibility which is clearly shown in this painting. When further analysing the painting, themes of vulnerability arise again as, all 4 f the subjects and to us as viewers, also the use of colour doesnt open up to any analysis into the situation which creates the idea of privacy in that sense, which goes back into Sennetts term Isolation in the midst of visibility Hopper has denied that he consciously placed themes of loneliness, isolation and emptiness in his paintings but he acknowledged of Nighthawks that, unconsciously, probably, I was painting the loneliness of a large city. Night hawks now hangs in Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Advanced Organizer 7 Chapter 7 Learners with Attention Deficit Hyperac
Advanced Organizer 7 Chapter 7 Learners with Attention Deficit Hyperac Advanced Organizer 7 - Chapter 7: Learners with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Directions: As you review this weeks assigned readings, please complete the Advance Organizer to focus on key points. Submit in the Assignment tab in Blackboard. Before I read, here are my thoughts: What do I already know about learners with ADHD in a few words (you can list terms or share a few experiences youve had)?I know it can be hard for the child to focus and stay attentive. What questions do I have?What are some good techniques to use to regain the childs attention? Rating my knowledge: Please rate your knowledge before you read using this scale: 1.I dont feel like I know anything about this topic. 2.Ive heard some of the terms, but couldnt tell you what they mean 3.I feel fairly comfortable with the key concepts, but want to know more. 4.I know all about this, and could teach this section.2 As I read, here are my thoughts about the topics in this chapter (summarize what youve learned be sure to focus your writing on how you can support students with disabilities in the classroom: Main TopicKey Points Minimal brain injuryA label applied to students of normal intelligence, who were inattentive, impulsive, and/or hyperactive. Hyperactive child syndromeWas descriptive of behavior and didnt rely on vague and unreliable diagnosis of subtle brain damage. NeurotransmittersAre chemicals that help in sending messages between neurons in the brain. Executive functionsDescribes the number of processes involved in controlling and regulating behavior. Behavioral inhibitionInvolves the ability to delay a response, interrupt an ongoing response or protect a response from distracting or competing with stimuli. Adaptive behavior skillsAssociated with retardation and intellectual disabilities. Defined as impairments in intelligence and adaptive behavior. Functional behavioral assessment (FBA)Involves determining the consequences, antecedents and setting events that maintain inappropriate behaviors. Contingency-based self-managementInvolves having people keep track of their own behavior and then receive consequences, usually in the form of rewards, based on their behaviors. PsychostimulantsStimulate or activate neurological functioning, mostly prescribed for ADHD. Paradoxical effect of RitalinRitalin influences the transmitters Dopamine and norepinephrine, thus enabling the brains executive functions to operate more normally. Momentary time samplingAllows the teacher to conduct brief observations and collect data on a specific set of behaviors. CoachingInvolves identifying someone on whom the person with ADHD can rely on for support. Conduct disorderDid not see a section on Conduct Disorder in the book After I read, here are my thoughts: Summarize what youve learned about students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.They can be treated with medicine by it is more preferred to have interventions in place before putting the child on a medicine. Reflect on what you learned from Table 7.2 in the book.Shows a minute by minute assessment of a students attention to the task over a 15 minute period. What questions do I still have?None Other information Id like to include/remember from this chapters readingNone
Friday, November 22, 2019
Create a 30, 60, or 90-day plan for your job search.
Create a 30, 60, or 90-day plan for your job search. The average job search can take anywhere from six weeks to six months, depending on factors like your industry, your experience, and the economy. That’s a lot of ambiguity- and if you’re feeling a time crunch, it’s not a very helpful statistic. If you’re seeking to put the job hunt timeline on your own terms, there are things you can do to maximize the time you do have. Let’s look at three different job search plans to make the most of your valuable time. The 90-Day PlanLet’s say you’ve given yourself three months to find a new job. It can a pretty spacious timeline, allowing you to take your time on all of the necessary elements. You can use some of that time at the start to figure out what you want to do.Ask yourself:Are you looking for the same kind of job you had/have now?Are you thinking about a career change?What would you like to do next?A less urgent timeline helps here, and gives you the opportunity to really consider what you r next steps are.Your SearchWith 90 days, you have the time to do a deeper dive. Translation: you’re not just blitzing every related job opening you can find with your resume. You have time to research potential target companies and adapt your application materials (resume, cover letter) accordingly. Now is also the time to start really looking at your network to see if there are the kinds of targeted job opportunities you can pursue over the next 90 days.Your SkillsWith 90 days, you don’t have all the time in the world to learn how to do something from scratch, but you do have time to boost skills, or take a refresher. The average online course is eight to nine weeks, so this gives you time to work on some next-level skills- especially if the class is self-paced.Your ResumeTake the time to overhaul your resume. Seriously, do it. You’ve got a few months in your plan, and if you really want to get the most out of it (and maximize your interview-stage potential), your resume has to be spot-on. Start from scratch- no shortcuts!Your NetworkIt’s about quality, not quantity. If you haven’t already, start reaching out to targeted people who may be just outside of your network, friends of friends, or someone you met once and added to LinkedIn, but who now just happens to work at the company where you want an â€Å"in.†Because so much hiring is done based on who you know and not always what you apply for, as much time as possible in your 90-day plan should be devoted to bolstering your network. Hiring expert Lou Adler recommends spending 60% of your time networking if you want to score a new job within 90 days.Your Interview PrepBuild in a little interview preparation every day. This could just be five minutes as you’re getting ready in the morning, or a few quiet moments before you hit your pillow at night. Things to work on in the meantime, so that they come naturally when the time comes:Your handshake. Grip is key he re (think confident, but not arm wrestler), so it can take practice to get the right combination of strength and moderation.Your body language. Things like eye contact and posture can be your best assets in making a good initial interview impression.Your outfit. You have time to think about what your go-to interview outfit(s) will be, and then make sure they’re cleaned, pressed, and ready to go as soon as you get that â€Å"hey, come meet us and talk about the job†email.Your talking points. Take your resume and come up with real-life examples for each bullet point. Practice talking about them, ideally with a trusted friend or family member, so that you get comfortable talking about yourself and your achievements.By putting extra effort into the pre-work and crafting a strong base for your job hunt (serious consideration of job openings and companies, a rebuilt resume, time spent building skills and personal habits that will benefit you in the future), you’re ma king the most of those 90 days.The 60-Day PlanIf you have about two months before you’d like to see yourself settled in a new gig, you’ve still got buffer time to do some quality building when it comes to your application package.Your SearchLike with the 90-day plan, you have time to focus on particular areas or companies and do your research. But because 60 days will pass quickly, it’s time to increase the intensity. Your job search should be highly focused, with you looking for the best-fitting opportunities that align with your goals. If you’re unsure about what you want to do next or what job openings you want to go for, take the time to reflect on your goals for this job search (beyond â€Å"get a job†) and your immediate professional goals. It takes some time up front, but will save you time later on in the 60 days.Your SkillsSixty days can be enough time to brush up on skills on your resume that could be stronger, or to revisit old skills th at you want to feature for a particular job. Self-paced online courses can help you get the crash course you need, or even just a self-study program where you’re intensively researching things online, reading up on new trends, etc. And let’s face it- there’s a YouTube video for everything these days, so there’s no shame in using those for your skill-building! The most important thing here is, again, focus. It’s not really enough time to say, â€Å"hmm, maybe I really should start to learn HTML.†It’s more like, â€Å"Okay, I have these basic HTML skills. What do I need to bump them up on my resume?†Your ResumeWith 60 days on the table, it’s still worth it to rebuild your resume from the ground up- it doesn’t have to be a long undertaking, just a focused one. You’ll also want to take the time to take another editing pass and optimize your resume, which can help you get more out of applications.Your NetworkCu ltivating people in your network by having email conversations or even having a coffee IRL is great, but there’s no replacement for human contact. However, with 60 days to meet your goal of getting a new job, there might not be that luxury. That’s why networking tools become so handy in this two-month window. LinkedIn is a good starting point to start focusing your networking efforts. Are there people who work at your target companies? An old friend who you know happens to be married to someone in your field who might be hiring? It’s time to harness the power of what you’ve already got.That’s not to say you should neglect starting new relationships, but on your more aggressive timeline it’s most important to maximize what you have.Your Interview PrepLike the 90-Day plan, you have some time to prep. Practice your body language skills especially, and rehearse your talking points. And the earlier in the two-month window you have that interview suit dry cleaned and ready to rock, the better.The 30-Day PlanIf your plan is a 30-day one for whatever reason (like economic urgency, or you need out now of a terrible gig), then that’s a daunting goal, but a do-able one. There just isn’t much wiggle room or time for blowing things off. If you’re serious about getting a new job in a month, then that means your focus has to be on the job hunt.Your SearchIt’s time to come up with a hardcore job hunt time budget. With such an aggressively short window of time, you really don’t have the luxury of saying, â€Å"Oh, maybe I’ll do that this week.†Instead, write down your list of job search goals for the week and attach specific days/times to them. For example:Monday: Check saved job searches, research job openings at ABC Company.Tuesday: Call Karen about potential referral for ABC Company.Wednesday: Follow up with HR at XYZ Company about application.Whatever time you have available, figure out how you can set a time budget and stick to it. The closer you stick to that plan, the less likely you’ll be to fall off schedule, and discover that 20 days have gone by before you hit your early checklist goals. Figure out where you can devote chunks of time (ideally each day) to check things off on your list.Your SkillsAt this point, you need to go with the skills you have, or ones that you can learn very quickly by researching online or playing with programs (like finally learning how to do a vlookup, or revisiting how to use Adobe Photoshop). Focus on the core skills you want to feature most prominently on your resume and in interviews.Your ResumeIt’s definitely crunch time, which means you don’t really have a week to write, edit, and seek feedback on your resume. So let’s truncate that a bit. Start with some of the great tools that are already available, like resume templates you can use as a starting point.But- and I can’t emphasize this enough- never skip the proofreading step. If you have zero time, give it the most thorough check you can. And if it’s at all possible, have someone else read it. They may notice mistakes that passed right under your hurrying eyes. Simple mistakes can put your resume in the â€Å"no thanks†pile quickly, so even with a short schedule, you need to take the time for those extra steps.Your NetworkWhoever you have on your side now, that’s the squad you’re taking into battle. Focus on the people you already know who can help you with your job search. Use LinkedIn, Facebook, or any professional contacts you have, and don’t be shy about letting people that you’re on the lookout for a new job. Though that comes with a caveat: if your search is on the DL because you don’t want your current boss to find out, you’ll still want to be a little discreet. No blaring Facebook posts saying, â€Å"I’m looking for a job!†Your Intervi ew PrepAs with other aspects of your job search, your interview prep should be laser-focused on the resources you have. Identify your most interview-ready outfit, and get it ready to go: dry clean, fix any messy bits (like loose threads or saggy hems), and dust off your lucky interview shoes. Your schedule is so aggressive that you need to be ready to go almost immediately for interviews- if you get an interview tomorrow, you may not have time to rush around getting ready.It’s also important to know your resume points backwards and forwards, so you can speak to any aspect of it on short notice.However much time you’ve assigned to your job search plan, the most important thing is to maximize whatever time you do have. Coming up with a goal-oriented plan is a great start, and will help you make the most of the coming weeks. Good luck!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Health and safety breaches,overtime and unpaid working hours on Apple Essay
Health and safety breaches,overtime and unpaid working hours on Apple factories in China - Essay Example In doing this, the company’s management has come under sharp criticisms following its poor management of its overseas companies thus facing widespread public protest in china. Such are clear pointers to the contemporary issues affecting managements and some of the ethical issues that they deal with in the process of managing their corporations. The management is the top decision making organ in an organization. In doing this, managers perform a number of roles key among which are controlling and planning. These involve the effective identification of resource and devising the most cost effective means of utilizing the resources to enhance profitability thus lengthening the longevity of the organization. The management at Apple has tried doing this by carrying out effective market research through which they identified china as the source of the cheapest yet high quality labor. They thus decided to set the operations of the company in the country while outsourcing for the marke t for the company’s products. Apple has an international presence implying that it accesses the international market. To achieve this, the company produces products for all the segments in the market. This results in the production of some low quality therefore cheap products for sale in the low class market while producing some high quality and expensive market for the rich and the wealthy class in the mobile telephony market. This requires effective diversity with a constant rate of production coupled with adequate marketing for the company’s product. ... This requires effective diversity with a constant rate of production coupled with adequate marketing for the company’s product. The company therefore resolves to maximize profitability by expanding the market for its products through intense marketing while limiting production costs by preferring to produce its product in the cheap Chinese market. The aggressive approach to both marketing and production present a number of ethical issues to the company’s management. Ethics refer to the personal intuitions guiding the ability to act rightly and justly. There is no clear cut definitions of ethics and ethical behavior, the two rely on the individual’s ability to choose between right and wrong both of which are abstract in this context. Different professions have a stringent code of conduct which govern the conduct of its members making them behave rightly while both on the organization's premises. The management in different organizations also sets up a strict code compelling ethical conduct of employees. In such cases, the management defines ethics and ethical behavior of the employees and has elaborate corrective measures to counter the lack of compliance to the set rules. In enforcing ethical behavior in the employees of an origination, it is imperative that the management itself acts ethically by making ethical decisions especially those concerning either the employees or the customers. The decision to import labor is one of the key contemporary issues in management in the modern society. The United States of America, which is the motherland for Apple, is a developed economy with the most competitive labor market. This makes the labor costs in the market quite high and thereby not affordable for many
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Forbes International Top Ten Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Forbes International Top Ten - Research Paper Example There are many things that Toyota has done in order to outsell its competition. This report will discuss the strategic plan in depth. According to the Maynard (2008) one of the things that Toyota does is to find a way to build their cars better. Some of what they do is to encourage employees to do exercises that will create a more focused employee. This is part of their strategy to use in training centers to make sure that their employees are focused on what they are attempting to do. They have found that through watching how they make cars and improving this at every level, it has created a better opportunity for them to build cars faster (Maynard, 2008). Dawson and Shirouzu (2011) also state that Toyota is downsizing its board of directors in order to make decisions at the higher levels easier. The plan will also include an expansion to China and India before it is completed (Dawson and Shirouzu, 2011). Akio Toyoda (2011) the new head of Toyota has created a vision for his company that provides what they intend to do in the future. It details their strategic plan and provides important information as to how they see themselves and what they are to do. The information they provide is as follows: â€Å"Toyota will lead the way to the future of mobility (par. 7)†. Toyota will creatively stay ahead of its competition. This area includes finding ways to help people in different types of mobility as well as moving them into the future and they will research â€Å"smart grids†(par. 7) in order to understand how to make their company more ecologically friendly. â€Å"Enriching lives around the world (par. 8).†This statement is their commitment to making automobiles that people want to drive. This provides continuous employment for many people and it provides safe vehicles for those who need them. â€Å"With the safest and most responsible ways of moving people (par. 9).†This statement involves Toyota’s commitment to making sure t hat their vehicles are safe and attractive to the eye. They want people to purchase them because they are emotionally moved to do so as well as providing an automobile that is safe and environmentally friendly. â€Å"Through our commitment to quality, constant innovation (par. 10).†According to Toyoda, this is the â€Å"DNA†of what Toyota is and what they are supposed to do. It means that they are always looking for ways to reinvent themselves so that they can provide vehicles that will respond to the needs of people in the future. â€Å"Respect for the planet (par. 11).†This statement is their commitment to taking the environment into consideration when they make automobiles. They are committed to creating a way to manufacture automobiles that â€Å"minimizes waste†(par. 11). These eleven statements are at the heart of Toyota’s strategic plan according to Toyoda (2011) and they are what they want to work with throughout the next several years. In addition, they have a commitment to their employees to make sure that they are reaching goals that they have set. It is important to Toyota that all employees work to a high level of performance and they expect that their stockholders and others will form positive opinions of what they are doing. They are interested in making sure that the people who work for them take into consideration opinions and thoughts of both their customers and their stakeholders (Toyoda, 2011, par. 12). Toyota also emphasizes
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay Example for Free
Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay When Marlow talks of London being a dark place, the theme of civilization versus savagery comes into play. Marlows aunt believes he is an emissary of light, being sent into the darkness. Marlow sees this darkness through the placing of heads on poles, for a man named Kurtz. All of this makes Marlow change his inner feelings of himself, which relates to the theme of the journey of the inner self. Marlow talks of when the Romans first came to Britain, and how they had actually brought some light into the somberness of London, and how one day that light may disappear. This relates to the theme of dark and light. As Marlow tells of his voyage deeper into the unknown, his capacity for self-control is tested. Kurtz seems to inhabit his every thought. While this is happening, the theme of a journey into the inner self is seen again. There are certain patterns in Heart of Darkness; one of these is the theme of threes. There are three chapters, three women, three times Marlow breaks the story, three stations, three central characters and three views of Africa. Marlow indirectly suggests by referring to the Roman conquest, that the theme of colonialism has existed since the earliest times of human history. Colonialism is seen as one of the major themes in the book. When Marlow talks of London once being a dark place, the theme of civilization versus savagery comes into play. The book implies that civilizations are created by the setting of laws and codes that encourage men to achieve higher standards. London itself is seen as a symbol of enlightenment. We see this through Marlow and how he tells his crew that the Romans had brought a light into the darkness of Britain. Marlow and Kurtz are two antithetical examples of humanity. Kurtz represents what every man will become if left to his own desires, without a protective, civilized society. Marlow represents the civilized soul that has not been drawn back into savagery by his heart of darkness. The book implies that every man has a heart of darkness that is usually drowned out by the light of civilization. However, when a man is removed from a civilized environment, the basic instinct of savagery must be unleashed. Savagery is linked to darkness, and in most parts of the book, we see Marlow as the light in this darkness. Marlows aunt believes he is an emissary of light, being sent into the darkness. Marlow sees the darkness through the placing of heads on poles, for a man named Kurtz. All of this makes Marlow change his inner feelings about himself, which relates to the theme of the journey of the inner self. Through Marlow, the book creates a voyage of self-discovery. All of Marlows experiences point to a change him. The thoughts about the people he meets, and their behavior, slowly begins to change. Marlows trip from Europe to the outer, then central station tests his capacity to discriminate between good and evil, since he witnesses actions which directly ask him for a moral judgment, such as brutal beating of the native worker. Marlows detailed account of what he sees, shows his compassion. Conrad suggests that those who are unable of controlling their unconscious side, run the risk of losing control the their heart of darkness. Marlow talks of when the Romans first came to Britain, and how they brought light into the somberness of London. He also tells them that one day that light may disappear. This relates to the theme of dark and light. In Heart of Darkness, there is an obvious contrast between what is light and what is dark. Light seems to represent civilization, or the civilized side of humanity whilst dark represents the uncivilized or savage side of humanity. In this book, dark and light or black and white, have the same usual connotations of good and evil. According to Christianity, in the beginning, everything was dark. The same thing applies to London before the Romans came. At the same time, Africa was considered dark, as most of it had not yet been discovered. However, as Marlows journey progresses, it appears that dark and light are used counter intuitively. Darkness refers to truth and light refers to falsehood. In Marlows interview with the Intended, the windows of the room, which are normally a source of light, are covered and let in little to no light at all, as in a mortuary. The cold and monumental whiteness of the fireplace adds to the deathlike atmosphere. This shows that Conrad had used dark and light inversely. We could assume that the dark could represent the unknown. As Marlow talks of his voyage deeper into this unknown, his capacity for self-control is tested. Kurtz seems to inhabit his every thought. While this is happening, the theme of a journey into the self and the unconsciousness is seen again. Marlows story clearly implies that the kind of world men make for themselves, and for others, results from the character of individual behavior. Kurtz appears to be stuck inside Marlows head. Every thought is focused in this man he has never met. Kurtz wins control of men through fear. His power over the natives almost destroys Marlow. Kurtz is actually a victim of the managers murderous cruelty. It is possible that Kurtz might never have revealed his evil nature, had he not been tortured by the manager. Marlow struggles with himself, the person he thought he was turns out to be a nobody. Marlow sees the real person he is, and fears himself. After seeing the Kurtz, Marlow realizes how much like Kurtz he has become and regains control from his heart of darkness. There are patterns noticeable in this book. One of these is the theme of threes. There are three chapters, three times Marlow breaks the story, three stations, three women, three central characters and three views of Africa. The three stations are the inner station, the central station and the outer station. These are symbolic of the stages in Marlows journey of self-discovery. The inner station is the first station he goes to. Here, he sees how the natives are treated, and gets a glimpse of the things he may have to face in his future travels. He reaches the central station, and discovers that Kurtz may not be the man he first heard of. He was told that Kurtz was this wonderful man, who had plenty of power. Now, Marlow is beginning to see in his mind, someone that has followed his own ideas, and doesnt care about anyone else. He struggles within himself to see if he is like this man. At first, he dismisses the idea that he could ever be that kind of person, but soon after, he changes his opinion. The outer station is where Kurtz is finally reached. Conrad also uses imperialism as a major theme in the book. Marlow indirectly suggests by referring to the Roman conquest over Britain, that the theme of imperialism has existed since early human history. As Marlow tells his story, a different narrator, who is also a member on the ship they are traveling on, sees the Roman invaders to be like the English conquerors. He expresses that they were both hunters for gold and pursuers of fame. He does not understand that without the Roman invasion, Britain may have remained a dark country. Through Marlows tale of truth, pain, anxiety and the quest for complete knowledge, the major themes are revealed. Colonialism, the journey of the inner-self, the theme of threes, dark and light and civilization versus savagery. All of these themes lead to the understanding that Marlows voyage into the deepness of the Congo, is symbolic of the journey he had to take into the deepest side of himself. He successfully battled with his savage side, and came out a changed man. It just shows that no matter hoe perfect something seems to be, there is always a heart of darkness deep within somewhere.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
An Evaluation of Case Studies and Their Contribution to Cognitive Neuro
Cognitive psychology is the study of the brains internal processes that guide behaviour; to study cognition, psychologists examine case studies of patients with damaged brains that can infer areas, and functions involved in particular processes. Patient studies have provided insights into the processes that take place within our minds, and have enabled psychologists to create models, which can be tested and fractionated. Cognitive neuropsychology has developed from cognitive psychology to become a discipline in its own right; it investigates the function and structures of the brain involved in cognitive processes and should not be confused with cognitive neuroscience, which is primarily concerned with neural structures and their functions. Cognitive psychologists investigate processes using case studies of brain-damaged patients, these are then analysed to build models that represent normal cognitive processes. This essay will examine the contribution case studies have made to the development of cognitive neuropsychology as a discipline in its own right and draw attention to issues surrounding the use of brain damaged patients to infer cognitive functions and processes. At the same time, it will evaluate the contribution that case studies have made to our understanding of cognitive processes. Cognitive processes are the unseen systems used by our minds to complete tasks such as solving problems, recognising an object, or learning a language. These unseen mental processes take place in the brain, which is a complex piece of equipment often compared to a computer. When the internal workings of a computer are exposed, all that we see are microchips, circuit boards, hard drives and other assorted pieces, which, all work and ...; therefore, case studies have contributed to the development of this branch of psychology as a discipline in its own right. Works Cited Caramazza, A., & Coltheart, M. (2006). Cognitive Neuropsychology twenty years on. Cognitive Neuropsychology, Vol. 23, pp. 3-12. Gazzaniga, M. (2011). Interview with Michael Gazzaniga. Year in Cognitive Neuroscience, Vol. 1224, pp.1-8. Jansari, A. (2010). Cognitive neuropsychology In H. Kaye (Ed.), Cognitive Psychology Methods Companion (2nd ed., pp.59-101), Milton Keynes: The Open University. McKone, E., Kanwisher, N. & Duchaine, B. C. (2007). Can generic expertise explain special processing for faces?. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Vol 11, pp.8-15. Young, A. W., Newcombe, F., Haan, E., Small, M., & Hay, D. C. (1993). Face perception after brain injury. Brain: A Journal of Neurology, Vol. 116, pp. 941-959.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Obama Health Care Legislation Essay
The Obama health care legislation known as the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) has received mixed reviews over the last couple years. On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law, putting in place comprehensive reforms that improve access to affordable health coverage for everyone and protect consumers from abusive insurance company. Obamacare is beneficial despite its downfalls, being that it provides healthcare, promote health, and control cost. Many people believe Obamacare can cause problems with quality of service provided and many other issues, because of misinformation obtained from the press. The new health reform law provides security to the hardworking citizens of the United States. Concerning those who have health care, the process shall be a lot smoother, meaning a lower premium. According, to the bill’s regulations, health care holders will not be discriminated against base on pre-existed condition. For instance, now when my grandma is sick, she will not have to be drop, because insurance companies will fear the fact of having to spend to much money. Knowing that insurance providers are only interested in making profits, the bill will target them the most. Advantage of the Obama health care plan in this situation is the elimination of out of pocket expenses, which are due to unexpected sickness, so people don’t go broke after a serious illness. Obamacare holds insurance companies accountable, gives access to healthcare for everyone and lowers health care costs. It gives Americans more freedom and control in their health care choices and improves the quality of care. With Obamacare, insurance agencies cannot create limits on care and the yearly limits will no longer exist in a couple of years. More than 5.1 million people on Medicare have saved over $3.1 billion on prescription drugs. In every state and for the first time ever, insurance companies must justify their action s if they want to raise rates by 10% or more. Also more states have the authority to reject unreasonable premium increases. President Obama has stated on several occasions that the new health legislation would start out slow but should pick up over time to compensate for the initial loss. Obamacare is aimed primarily at decreasing the number of uninsured Americans and reducing the overall costs of health care. The law is a great advantage for the people of the country, the cost preventives care because now health-care has become more affordable. The success is achieved due to numerous reforms and mechanisms, like subsidies, and tax credits. And as I stated before the law is very important, because the sphere of medical care is extremely expensive in the whole world, and exists like a privilege of rich people. Obamacare gives a possibility to achieve proper medical care for everyone. The law is a good example for other countries of the world, which should strive to support their citizens and care of their health.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
How Langston Hughes exemplifies the African American Essay
Abstract Prejudice is the key feature in the authors theme. He wants to tell away about how people singles out people based on these people appearances, racial background affiliations and social ranking. Harper Lee has done well to show how the stigmatized people are innocent and oblivious of the prejudices against them. It is common knowledge that it’s way off to kill a mocking bird. The mocking bird in Harpers story is Boo Radley. Boo has not indulged in any harmful activities nor hurt anyone across the social Diaspora. However, Boo is looked down upon due to his social rankings and looks. However, Harper is also determined to show that prejudice is not in any way such a big deal in a sidelined person’s life. He shows courage and human dignity. This is well understood from the actions and feelings of Boo Radley. Prejudice, the self and the Character of Boo To Kill a Mockingbird identifies Arthur Radley as a courageous person. He saw evil in people who committed evil; he sought after positive projections in the society and wished better life for everyone. He is a patriotic and wonderful person. We identify perception about him through the children, they though he was evil based on the rumor ‘he struck his parent with scissors and wiped the bloody scissors with his pants which means he attempted murdering them These rumors scare Jem and Scout and make them eye Boo suspiciously. He is a fearful figure but confident. His character shows self assuredness and focus. Boo is mockingbird, he knows it and is keen on projecting himself as a steadfast and good citizen though looked down as an outcast of Maycomb. Boo has courage and hope. He has been locked away in his house just like Tom who was accused of rape (Lee, 195). Similar prejudices befall Boo, he saves Atticus children and no one looks at if it as anything of importance. However Lee advices against this in pg 90 when he says ‘Shoot all the blue jays you want, if u can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird’ (Lee 90).  Killing a mocking bird is also seen when the sheriff is not honest about the death of Bob Ewell. Ewell was stabbed as Boo tried to save Atticus kids. Boo is not convicted for his good deed since the sheriff declares that Ewell fell on his knife and died. Boo indeed sacrificed himself for Jem and Scout. People in Maycomb make wild allegations about him just because he doest seem fit to be one of them. However, we see perseverance, a lot of tolerance and a focus to remain loyal and committed to do good things in Boo. In spite of this prejudice, he serves and helps people. He is kind and a role model. In the book Lee exemplifies these attributes through Boo wrapping a blanket on Scout (Lee p.46).  Boo is also charged with the rape of Mayella Ewell. This is an indication of prejudice, but he doesn’t seem to be in bad terms with his detractors. He is focused on being positive minded. The burning of Maudie’s house is another picturesque that projects the good side of Boo. Boo pities, feels and seeks after doing good rather than watch and laugh as people enjoy ruin Conclusion A mocking bird is more of a social asset rather than a mocking object. We should have a very positive attitude towards people, stop being racist and quit playing apartheid practices. Boo exemplifies exemplary behavior and showcases respect to elders and all other social members without prejudice. We should uphold and force it down to our children and emulate positive attitudes as exemplified by Boo Source Lee Harper (1930)To Kill a Mockingbird Â
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Jewish Synagogues And Islamic Mosques Compare And Contrast
Compare and Contrast Jewish Synagogues and Islamic Mosques "I hereby attest that this essay is entirely my own original work, excepting only that the work of others is properly noted and cited where incorporated into my own work. Thus, it is fair and honest for me to ask this work to be evaluated and marked by the instructor for a grade in this Humanities I course." The Jewish word for synagogue is beth ha-knesset, house of assembly. This means that wherever Jewish people live, the synagogue lies at the very center of communal life. (Gruber, 1999) Of all Muslim institutions, the mosque is the most important place for the public expression of the Islamic religion and communal identity. A mosque is physical proof of the public presence of Muslims and serves as a point of convergence for Islamic social and intellectual activity. (Frishman, 1994) The Jewish synagogue and the Islamic Mosque have some things in common as to what they represent in a city and how everyday life and practices are centered around them. There are also some similarities as to what one would find inside a synagogue and a mosque. But there are some differences as well. These differences include certain things that are not allowed one building that may be allowed in the other. Another difference would be the architectural styles that were used to build these buildings a nd the meanings they represent. But one similarity between the two places of worship is that throughout history, they have both allowed themselves to be changed to better suit the host community. For instance, Spanish synagogues of the Muslim period had horseshoe arches and beautiful stucco arabesques. (Gruber, 1999) Oriental synagogues tended to seat its worshippers on rugs or cushions (like some mosques). Polish 18th century synagogues resembled distinctive pagodas. Later, European emancipation introduced new styles: Baroque, Romanesque, pseudo-Byzantine and Greek temple. Some mo... Free Essays on Jewish Synagogues And Islamic Mosques Compare And Contrast Free Essays on Jewish Synagogues And Islamic Mosques Compare And Contrast Compare and Contrast Jewish Synagogues and Islamic Mosques "I hereby attest that this essay is entirely my own original work, excepting only that the work of others is properly noted and cited where incorporated into my own work. Thus, it is fair and honest for me to ask this work to be evaluated and marked by the instructor for a grade in this Humanities I course." The Jewish word for synagogue is beth ha-knesset, house of assembly. This means that wherever Jewish people live, the synagogue lies at the very center of communal life. (Gruber, 1999) Of all Muslim institutions, the mosque is the most important place for the public expression of the Islamic religion and communal identity. A mosque is physical proof of the public presence of Muslims and serves as a point of convergence for Islamic social and intellectual activity. (Frishman, 1994) The Jewish synagogue and the Islamic Mosque have some things in common as to what they represent in a city and how everyday life and practices are centered around them. There are also some similarities as to what one would find inside a synagogue and a mosque. But there are some differences as well. These differences include certain things that are not allowed one building that may be allowed in the other. Another difference would be the architectural styles that were used to build these buildings a nd the meanings they represent. But one similarity between the two places of worship is that throughout history, they have both allowed themselves to be changed to better suit the host community. For instance, Spanish synagogues of the Muslim period had horseshoe arches and beautiful stucco arabesques. (Gruber, 1999) Oriental synagogues tended to seat its worshippers on rugs or cushions (like some mosques). Polish 18th century synagogues resembled distinctive pagodas. Later, European emancipation introduced new styles: Baroque, Romanesque, pseudo-Byzantine and Greek temple. Some mo...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
4 ways the nursing profession is changing
4 ways the nursing profession is changing Nursing is one of the most solid career options out there right now- demand is steady, and there will always be evergreen elements of the career, like direct patient care. But how nurses provide that care is changing with the times, as qualified medical professionals are in ever-higher demand. Here are some recent trends in nursing that show how the career is evolving. Nurses as primary care professionalsRight now there’s a significant shortage of primary care physicians- and with an ever-growing pool of patients, that means nurses are often stepping into that void to help make sure patients are receiving the care they need. Nurse practitioners are the professionals who have more leeway in prescribing medicine and fulfilling duties that are normally handled by physicians or physician assistants.If the prospect of stepping into this role interest you, you’re in luck- the demand for nurse practitioners is expected to grow by 19% by 2026, according to the U.S. Bureau of La bor Statistics.Nurses in outpatient facilitiesWith hospitals under pressure to get patients back out the door and more and more healthcare system demands from an aging Baby Boomer population, outpatient clinics and offices are handling more and more of the healthcare load. And this increased demand means more job opportunities for nurses as well. Jobs that take nurses out of the traditional hospital or physician’s office setting are on the rise and offer options for nurses looking to practice in different types of facilities.Nurses and new technologyIn virtually every field, technology is revolutionizing the way we do our jobs, and nursing is no exception. Electronic health records (EHR) systems have become the norm, making updated patient data accessible instantly. And non-invasive diagnostic tools have started taking hold as well, changing how nurses interact with patients. Nurses need to be tech-savvy, from the latest medical technology to mobile phone apps that can help t hem organize their schedules and coordinate patient care.Technology is also becoming a major factor in the nursing classroom, with nurses learning how to perform complex tasks or handle high-pressure situations through using simulators. These tools let nurses get a sense of what face-to-face patient care is like, even before a nurse starts seeing actual patients.Nurses and diversityFor a long time, the stereotypical nurse was female, but the field is growing and changing, with more male nurses than ever stepping into scrubs. According to a study done by the U.S. Census Bureau, in 1970, only 2.7 percent of registered nurses were men. In 2011, this number increased to 9.6 percent. In addition, areas of nursing with huge gender disparities, like neonatal nursing, are increasingly seeing more men entering the field. Diversity in general is growing for nurses, making it a career choice for people from all different backgrounds.If you’re thinking about entering the nursing field, y ou’re doing it at a very exciting time- with a lot of change on the horizon. The more willing you are to embrace these new trends, the better suited you’ll be for your career in healthcare.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Structured Essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Structured Essays - Essay Example The fear of a German uprising was no longer in the minds of the French as all the land that Germany was required to hand over was returned; the most important regions being Alsace and Lorraine. Germany's army was down sized to a maximum of 100,000 men; they were denied the use of tanks. The air force was disbanded and the navy was only allowed to staff and operate six ships; however, no submarines were allowed to remain operational. The land fifty kilometres east of the Rhine was pronounced a demilitarised zone, where no soldier with a weapon could enter. Overseas land previously owned by Germany was given to different European countries. The Saar, Danzig and Memel were put under the control of the League of Nations. One of the more important outcomes was the "War Guilt Clause" that required Germany to take on full responsibility for starting the war. This was important as it would show the world France's reason for participation in the war was only to defend against the German attacks. This also meant that Germany would have to pay reparations to France for the physical damage caused during the war. Wilson was very pleased because as a result of the Paris Peace Conference his vision of the League of Nations had become a reality. ... He said as much: "To promote international co-operation and to achieve international peace and security." (Wilson) The cost of creating the League was losing his other 13 original ideology points to gain the global support that was necessary to start the League and make it a success. As the post-war world was in struggle of finding peace, there were a lot of countries intrigued by the international organisation that promised to bring the world peace. Wilson was of a peace loving nature and was clearly angered by the great number of restrictions Germany had to agree to in the Treaty as well as all the reparations they had to make. The harsh conditions that were imposed on Germany embarrassed and shamed Wilson. Nevertheless, he was very satisfied with the start of the League of Nations. One fact to be noted is that reparations to the United States were not mandated in the Treaty. It is true that the losses of the United States were not on the same scale as Britain and France because of their late entrance into the war. Lloyd-George was perhaps the least satisfied with the final terms of the treaty because of Clemenceau's persistence to bankrupt the German economy. As Lloyd-George's key point was to keep Germany's economy as stable as possible so as to increase European market strength, he was not happy with the end result. Most people in Great Britain had wished for revenge on Germany, and indeed received satisfaction as many of Germany's colonies went to Lloyd-George such as Egypt and parts of China, including important, major trading ports. These acquisitions greatly enriched great Britain's economy, a large amount of wealth coming from the
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Measurement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Measurement - Essay Example neers observe measurements, why measurements are much needed in the world, the role of measurements in quality control, and different type of measurements techniques used in engineering will be discussed. The term â€Å"measurement†is derived from the Greek word metron which means limited proportion. The first measurement systems were astronomical objects. Babylonians and Egyptians are believed to have invented use of measurement. However, they mainly used comparisons to measure things. For example, they would compare capacity of containers by filling the smaller container and emptying it into the bigger one to measure the volumes (Manseau & Shields, 2005). However, Gabriel Mouton, who was an astronomer, invented the metric system. He also suggested the swing length of pendulum, which is used as a unit of measuring length. In engineering and construction, there are different metric systems depending on what is being measured. For example, construction materials that are in liquid form are measured using measures such as gallons and liters. In case of length, units such as inches, meters, and feet are used depending on the size being measured. While measuring mass, unit such as pounds, kilograms, and grams are applied (Manseau & Shields, 2005). Although scientists make use of standardized metric units, there are two different types of metric systems. The type of metric system being used depends on the application. When measuring small units of length or mass, engineers make use of the CGS (centimeter-gram-second) system. However, MKS (meter-kilogram-second) system is used while measuring large quantities (Manseau & Shields, 2005). With globalization, metric system is becoming widely acceptable worldwide though some countries such as United States are resistant to switch to the metric system. US makes use of a mixture of different systems of measurement. In 1960, the General Conference of Weights and Measures revised and simplified the measurement system. Seven
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Financial service management, please see below for further instruction Essay
Financial service management, please see below for further instruction - Essay Example As a bank customer service advisor, I will be better positioned to promote financial literacy among individuals to enhance their financial management and investment through quality and informed financial advisory. Normally, banking customer service advisors perform various duties including; one, handling customer complaints by responding to them on a timely basis and to the delight of customers. Two, involves advising customers on the suitability of various financial products that suits their conditions. For example, those leaving college will be best suited for a private pension plan as opposed to proposing the same to retirees. Three, a bank customer service advisor provides feedback to the management to help them in improving their services for customer satisfaction. The job also involves providing desk service roles as front-line service providers to enhance customer satisfaction (Knapp 2009). To adequately perform this function, one needs to have certain skills like good people skills, critical thinking and good problem solving skills. Personal confidence, self management and interpersonal communication skills to present ideas, a good listener and ability to deal with difficult clients also come in handy. Unfortunately for me I have not been a good listener and often jumped into conclusions before getting to the core of the matter. At times I can be temperamental a situation that makes it hard for me to deal with difficult people. However, I must admit that going through this course and attending several public speaking lectures I have improved on my people skills. The positions for this career are available in commercial banks, micro finance institutions, financial advisory firms, investment banks, pension and mutual funds among others. A career as a banking customer service advisor requires somebody who is flexible, articulate and one who can handle complex and diverse range of customer issues. As a result, one should be knowledgeable enough about the fi nance field and therefore one has to read widely and remain afloat the current information. Good understanding of individuals’ temperament and risk profiles also helps in providing the necessary financial advisory. Time management is essential as some customer requests, enquiries and complaints require quick response. Having noted the requirement for this job and realized my weaknesses I have embarked on a number of activities and action plans that have yielded good results in that direction. I must admit that using the skills set and behavior toolkit developed by Chapman (2006) was a major turning point as I was able to objectively evaluate my strengths and weaknesses in line with required skills for a career as a customer advisor. From this assessment, I developed a work plan to address my weaknesses. Generally, my weaknesses included; limited financial knowledge, a poor listener and negotiator, non-team player and difficulties in managing stress and conflicts. For example, I noted earlier in college that I was never interested in group assignments preferring to work alone. I only came to realize the benefits of teamwork when I started seriously engaging in group assignment especially for this course. I also had the know-it all attitude which prevented me from listening to others properly and often jumping into conclusions without understanding what the real problem was. I remember during the financial
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Brics In The Global System Economics Essay
The Brics In The Global System Economics Essay In 2006, as BRICs mania gathered momentum, the four governments, at the initiative of former Russian President Vladimir Putin, collectively lifted themselves from the pages of investment reports to hold their first foreign ministers meeting on the sidelines of the annual UN General Assembly session. After a second meeting of the four foreign ministers in New York in September 2007, the BRICs launched a consultative process at the level of deputy foreign ministers to foster regular contacts and multilateral diplomacy. By 2008 the four BRICs foreign ministers, and on a different track the finance ministers, established a process to hold regular meetings to discuss common approaches to international problems, including the global financial crisis. Again at Russias initiative, the four BRIC heads of state met in July on the sidelines of the G8 (the G7 plus Russia) summit in Japan and plans were laid for a formal summit to be held in the Ural mountains city of Ekaterinburg, Russia in June 2009. Despite the groups improbable beginnings, BRICs were on a roll. 2. Successive communiquà ©s from follow-on meetings enumerated demands for an adjustment of global governance structures to better reflect the BRICs rising share of global output, trade, and financial flows. Nearly 60 percent of the total 14 increase in world output in 2000-2008 took place in developing and transitional countries, half of which occurred in the BRICS; their share of global GDP during the same period rose from 16 to 22 percent. Current projections estimate that China will overtake Japan as the worlds second largest economy in about 2010, and within the next two decades the top three economies in the world are expected to be China, the U.S., and India, with Russia and Brazil moving higher within the top ten. 3. BRICS symbolises the collective economic power of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Together the BRICS account for more than 40 per cent of the global population, nearly 30 per cent of the land mass, and a share in world GDP (in PPP terms) that increased from 16 per cent in 2000 to nearly 25 per cent in 2010 and is expected to rise significantly in the near future. The Rise of BRICS 4. BRICS, the five of the most important rising economic powers in the early twenty-first century, have emerged individually as second-tier regional powers and collectively as a joint presence in world politics. Although BRICS diplomacy took wing under Western radar, it now features well-publicised regular summits, communiquà ©s summarising common positions and demands, and activities to promote peer learning and public diplomacy. Goldman Sachss analyses may have indirectly spawned an incentive to collaborate diplomatically, but the bank is not alone in identifying (and promoting) such trends. Even before the global economic downturn, attention had begun to focus on the post-American world, a non-polar world, and especially the rise of China. 15 5. The BRICS countries have a significant strategic position on their continents: the Americas, Asia, Europe and Africa. Taken together, these five countries account for approximately 30 per cent of the earths surface. The importance of this vast territory is related to the amount of their mineral, water and energy resources, the availability of fertile land for agriculture and their biodiversity. All five countries have intensively developed activities in these areas with varying degree of success. The relative importance of agriculture and extractive activities, the transformation of mineral and energy resources and the magnitude of the BRICS agro-diversity are shown by their share in global trade in commodities and in the evolution of industrial activities. Their rich biodiversity also provides the opportunity for the development of very dynamic industries such as pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. 6. The total population of the BRICS is even more significant than their territory. The BRICS percentage of global population remained constant at around 43 percent of the worlds total population over the period 1985-2005. Chinas share of the world population declined from 22.1 percent in 1982 to 19.6 percent in 2005. However the population of all the other BRICS except Russia increased. The most significant increase in population occurred in India, which had 17.4 percent of the world population in 2005. This large share of the population represents both a challenge ad a source of opportunities. Challenges that frequently occur in large populations are those to do with the provision of water, food, energy and sanitation, as well as with the health and education systems. Other undesirable challenges associated with the population problem take the form of unemployment and the high degree of inequality in the distribution of income. These problems are common to the five countries, where a significant portion of the population lacks access to essential goods and services, and demand urgent redress. Data available from the United Nations show that Brazil and South Africa are among the countries with the worst distribution of income and that India and Russia are among those with the 16 largest percentage of the population living below the poverty line, 28.6 percent and 30.9 percent respectively in the mid 2000s. Problems related to the perverse distribution of income and limited access to public services (education, health, housing and urban infrastructure, public safety etc.) are reflected in their low human development index. 7. Huge regional disparities in human and economic development are evident in all five countries. In general, the wealthier are those that are more industrialised. Regional redistribution of income and access to essential goods and services represent a significant challenge that these five countries have in common. 8. Regarding the structure and performance of production, the combined GDP of the BRICS (in terms of purchasing power parity) represented in 2007 approximately 23 per cent of world GDP, more than the United States. In that year, China and India accounted for 10.8 percent and 4.8 percent of world GDP respectively. The economic performance of the BRICS has, however, varied widely in the last decades. China has maintained the fastest growing economy worldwide. India has grown significantly and more regularly. Russia after experiencing a severe crisis in the 1990s, and being faced with significant disorganization of the socialist economy, began a phase of significant growth in this decade propelled by the role of oil and gas in the economy. Brazil and South Africa have seen a small improvement in their economic performance, also well below their potential. 9. The spectacular economic growth in China is mostly due to the competitiveness of its manufacturing sector. It is important to point out that the industrial system in China has diversified to a significant degree during the last 25 years. The most noteworthy change, in recent years, has been the growth in the consumer durables and electronics sectors. In China, the share of technologically 17 intensive sectors in industrial output during the middle of the present decade approached 35 percent of the total value added by the manufacturing sector. This share is between 14 percent and 17 percent in the other four countries. 10. All the BRICS have raised their export and import levels in the last two decades, both in volume terms and as a share of GDP. In China, Russia and South Africa, foreign trade reached, in 2002, more than 50 percent of GDP while in Brazil and India it represented approximately 30 percent of GDP. Except South Africa, which has not increased its share of world exports in the last ten years, all the other four countries experienced high growth in exports? On the import side, all five countries increased their share of world imports, with the exception of Brazil. 11. The BRICS have been the recipient of significant amounts of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the last 50 years. Prior to 1984, Brazil received the greatest amount of FDI of all the BRICS. Although China reached the same level in 1985, Brazil continued to be a major destination for FDI during the 1990s, most notably during the process of privatization that took place during that decade. 12. China became the largest recipient of FDI in the world beginning in1993. The Chinese policy of attracting multinational companies was part of a strategy to expand their technological knowledge and later to strengthen domestic industries and companies. In China and India, where the capital account was not liberalized, FDI seems to have been concentrated in new investments in production and innovation. The other BRICS countries i.e. Brazil, Russia and South Africa, where the economies were liberalized with fewer restrictions, received more portfolio investment. This demonstrates the economic and political importance of the BRICS. The increase in the degree of influence of these countries took place during a period marked by intense transformation in the economy and global society. One of 18 this is the integration in the economy and society of significant proportion of previously marginalised segment of the BRICS population. 13. The crisis that started to affect the world economy in 2007-2008 has repositioned the role and importance of the BRICS. In a new scenario characterised by geopolitical realignment and where the role and function of the state in the economy are being redefined, their economic weight has in fact increased. Also, their capacity to remain immune is seen as a relevant source of ideas about how to survive during the crisis and to find ways of overcoming it. The differentiated role of the BRICS in the configuration of global power and the global economy will in some way constrain the evolution of their domestic system for innovation. Also, their national system of innovation are highly dependent on their historical development and on how the different domestic actors interpret global developments as well as how they position themselves in the national and international economies. On the other hand, more room for manoeuvre for setting up new industrial and technological policies may be e xpected. Significance of BRICS 14. The BRICS countries have consistently displayed high annual growth rate since 1980. China has grown at about 9.8%, followed by India at around 5.8% and Russia also at about the same level as India, while Brazil showed 2.4% growth. In comparison, the large industrialized nations group of seven (G-7) have shown 2.7% average annual growth. China and India have shown sustained growth by maintaining significantly high growth rates over a long period. 19 15. BRICS share of the global economy has increased by 1.5% over the last decade. During the period 2000-03, the BRIC countries contributed 1.4% of the annual global growth rate of 3.3% at purchasing power parity. Over the period 1980-2003, the per capita GDP at purchasing power parity has grown twelve fold in China, quadrupled in India, more than double in Brazil. In Russia, per capita GDP has increased by 50% over the 1998 levels. This indicates an overall increase in prosperity in BRICs. Accordingly the living standards have gone up in the BRIC economies, and the gap between the BRICs and advanced economies is narrowing down.(page 32 Sujatha) 16. This is also perhaps the most opportune time for forging closer links, given that the world economy is in a state of flux and a rebalancing is taking place towards the emerging economies. Their pivotal role in the global recovery has already catapulted the BRICs into the leadership role, which needs further cementing through greater interface among economies. Key Indicators and Statistics 20 17. Economic Growth and Development of the BRICs (a) From 2000 to 2008, the BRIC countries combined share of total world economic output rose from 16 to 22 percent. Together, the BRIC countries accounted for 30 percent of the increase in global output during the period. (b) To date, the scale of Chinas economy and pace of its development has out-distancebd those of its BRIC peers. China alone contributed more than half of the BRIC countries share and greater than 15 percent of the growth in world economic output from 2000 to 2008. The chart above on key development indicators for the BRIC countries shows the sharp contrast in GDP, merchandise exports and the UNDPs Human Development Index (HDI) between China and the other BRIC countries. 18. Growing BRIC Middle Class (a) The rapid economic growth and demographics of China and India are expected to give rise to a large middle class whose consumption would help drive the BRICs economic development and expansion of the global economy. The charts below depict how the increase in the middle class population of the BRIC countries is forecasted to more than double that of the developed G7 economies. 21
Friday, October 25, 2019
Website Analysis, Williams Principles :: essays research papers
The design of a website, as a whole, still involves many of the same principles as a linear document. That is, contrast, alignment, repetition and proximity should be consistent throughout the site. Choosing logical flexibility within these design elements can enhance a website to a desired level. On the flip side, overemphasizing differences between pages can lead to a poor design. The following analysis strays from applying the design principles in a traditional sense as we take a look how they are applied to the document as a whole. The Centre for Sustainable Design maintains a simple, yet professional appealing website. Style decisions using contrast on a black background for the homepage give the site a preliminary degree of credibility because it has been made known that the majority believes that white and black contrast is the easiest to read. Of course there is a san-serif font, like most other websites because serifs seem to be more difficult to read on a computer screen. Repetition in the focal graphics on the homepage begins to lead the audience to a comfort level within the site. The general template remains the same, with the navigation being on the left and the top, maintaining its black color and when you click one of the main focal points on the homepage, one of the four pictures, it takes you to another page that still have that same picture/focal point to a degree. Specifically, the repetition of size (170x142pixels), color (greyscale), and angle variance in the graphics create a complimenting montage. Each of the repetitious graphics also lead way into the article they represent. A repetitious feature is also utilized in the navigation bar above the graphics. A mouse rollover displays a description of each topic area. The text appears on a white-on-black contrast in the upper right corner, again leading the audience to what lies within the page. However, once the site is entered, the navigation bar loses the rollover feature. They could have simply copied the code from the homepage and changed the color of the text to allow for the repetition of the rollover feature. This would allow the audience to read the descriptions from pages within the site to determine their interest. The authors of this homepage may have guessed that the user would have looked at all the rollover information before deciding on which part to click on, therefore, making the rollover unnecessary in the following pages. However, making assumptions like that usually are not what really happens, the design should be the same throughout, with the same rollover text as the homepage to help the
Thursday, October 24, 2019
College Scholarship Essay
Hi, my name is Stacey Burrell and I currently attending Boston Arts Academy as a Junior theatre major. I believe it’s never too early to start looking at colleges and scholarships. My schools of interest include Juilliard, Colombia, and Dartmouth. I am not the first in my family to go to college but I am apart of the first generation. My parents are from Jamaica and never fully completed their education. I’ve always had to make the most of financial aid and luck. My parents are definitely not rich but we’ve always found ways to pay for what we need. My sister just enrolled at Cornell University almost entirely through financial aid and merit based scholarships. I feel as though I deserve this scholarship because my grades definitely reflect how important education is to me. I plan to major in Theatre Arts and minor in Education. See more: how to write a winning scholarship essay Theatre has always been a huge part of my life. My goal for the future is to teach youth how.important theatre is. It can tell stories that help people connect to one another. I also deserve this scholarship to prove to myself that I can actually achieve my dreams. I always set the bar high for myself as you can see in my choice of colleges; it’s always hard having an older sibling.and being compared to them all the time. This scholarship will just be one step closer to my dream of going to college and following in my sister’s footsteps. This essay might not stand out to you because I know there are people out there with sickness and disease. I’m in good health and I have a supportive family. All I have to prove that I deserve this scholarship are my grades and my determination to go to college.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Case Study. Champion Essay
CASE: Rebhan v. Pop Warner Little Scholars, INC FACTS: Gator Rebhan is the former head coach of Suniland Sundevils. They were two time National Champions, including a victoy of 56-6 in the championship game. That following week, Pop Warner suspended Rebhan indefinitely alleging he intentionally ran up the score, which is a violation of Pop Warner rules. Rebhan filed a suit claiming that Pop Warner did not follow their own rules, in two instances. First, the referees failed to reward the ball to the opponents after each score until the deficit was less than 36. Rebhan was also never contacted or interviewed by Pop Warner to get his side of the story. ISSUE: Was Pop Warner within its rights to suspend Rebhan for running up the score, without hearing from him first? HOLDING: According to â€Å"We Own This Game†, Gator Rebhan dropped his lawsuit against Pop Warner in the following year. RATIONALE: Although the suit was dropped, Rebhan did hold a very strong case to be reinstated. Pop Warner broke its own league rules by not interviewing him prior to his suspension. Had they done so, they might have come to a different conclusion after he argued that he was trying to protect his own players after the opposing team stacked the box with 11 men. They might also realize that had the officials done their part correctly, Rebhan’s team would never have been rewarded the ball after the deficit reached greater than 36. According to â€Å"We Own This Game†, Rebhan’s suspension expired, and there was no reason for him to follow through with the case. Gator Rebhan was allowed to coach the Suniland Sundevils for the following season.
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